Tuesday, February 21, 2006

All work and no play...

The last two weeks have been busy. I've been producing Vänsterpartiets campaign site for the 2006 elections together with Tommy Gabrielsson. Now it's finally official! I don't know if I'm happy with it just yet, since we finsihed up just last night, but I like the poster-on-wallpaper-thingy very much.

More to come, perphaps even some Flash-games, in the coming months. Check the Red Band every know and then for an update.


Blogger Johan Lindahl said...

Det är en riktigt bra sida ni gjort. Riktigt bra med den där bannern man kan sätta upp på sin sida.

Det enda som jag tycker är lite jobbigt är att det är så mycket pdf hela tiden. Jag bad min syster titta på sajten och säga vad hon tyckte och hon sa att hon tyvärr inte kunde läsa pdf:er.

Ha det bra!

7:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exakt! Allt som inte absolut behöver vara pdf ska inte vara pdf. Kan gärnas finnas som alternativ men folk lackar bara om man klickar på en länk och plötsligt acrobat drar igång.

12:46 PM

Blogger Emil Lindahl Persson said...

Vi borde ha tydliggjort att det var pdf-filer. Vi får fixa det senare i veckan.


And the prefered language on this blog is English, but I'll let it slide since you are being so nice to me. :-P

2:15 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sincerely apologize if I have done anything to withhold the particulars of the ongoing debate on whether policy papers on a campaign site for the Swedish parliamentary elections should be in PDF or HTML format from an international audience... ;-)

2:59 PM

Blogger Anders Eriksson said...

First of all, really great blog. I have recently become interested in art, and this blog is a great help for me.

Second av all, great campaign site. The criticism concerning using PDF is correct, but still a great site.

Third of allt, I love to see the red banner when I vist bloggers related to the party and the youth league. We were all very fast in doing that.

2:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

En sak till, det röda bandet når inte ända upp till kanten på valsidan när man tittar på den i Firefox. Någon sorts osnygg xhtml antagligen...

10:20 AM

Blogger Emil Lindahl Persson said...

Will fix those things. Probably tomorrow.

And thanks anders E for those nice words about this blog. It means a lot.

10:26 AM


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