Saturday, February 11, 2006

The googles do nothing

There's a growing interest in internet related art. But the overwhelming majority of the work currently dispayed is boring, mindnumbingly ugly and technically inferior. I find this very strange. Internet design has never looked better. The development of better Flash applications has made it possible for commercial sites to look like this. At the same time so called internet art most often look like this.

Over at Rhizone I almost gave myself a migrane attack watching ridiculous visual experiements made by artists who quite obviously had very little understanding of the medium they are working with. With a few exceptions their art work consisted of poorly executed animations, over-the-top-heavy scripts and flash files, and interactive additions demanding plugins that were rendered obsolete three or four years ago.

I can't imagine this being considered acceptable in any other line of art. You wouldn't accept painters who doesn't know how a brush works would you? Now get a grip, and learn the tools of the trade!


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