Friday, October 20, 2006

Raining dogs?

Dagens Nyheter reports of a strange phenomenon in Linköping, Sweden. Apparantly anonymous people are placing home made sculptors of dogs in public places around town.

It all started when this sculpture by artist Stina Opitz was vandalised last spring. The head was chopped off and the artwork consequently removed. But one morning a new dog stood in the old one's place. And all around Linköping other sculptors started to appear, mainly dogs, but also other animals, like slugs, tigers and sharks.

As it turns out, a group of you artists calling themselfs Akademi Vreta Kloster, is responsible for starting up this underground art movement. Judging by the name, and their press brief, they are pushing for a rather conservative agenda "against destruction, unsocial behaviours and occurences"

However charming this might seem, I like my dogs better alive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alive or dead I welcome more dogs!

5:44 AM


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